You can think of the human body as an ecosystem that works in harmony and has an extraordinary organization. However, it has a certain lifespan, both due to its structure and under the influence of many external factors. We call this journey from the beginning to the end of life as aging. Aging is a variable process. We call old people who have gray and spilled hair, thinned skin, stained and wrinkled. However, we use the adjective “patient” instead of “old” for people who have a good external appearance, who begin to see poorly, have decreased physical performance, have developed certain organ diseases, have joint pains, have had a heart attack or have respiratory problems. However, we are not aware that we are talking about the same thing.
Problems related to oxygenation are the primary factors of aging that cause aging. When tissues don’t get enough oxygen, they experience the same stress you feel when you’re staying in a stuffy room or trying to block one nostril and settle for another. As a precaution, they start to reduce their oxygen consumption and settle for less, which results in poor functioning. The second most important wear factor is nutritional disorders. When many harmful substances that cannot reach the right and high quality food enter the body, the digestive system starts to not work properly and then, as a result of various chain reactions caused by defects in the barrier function, different symptoms occur in many different parts of the body. Nutritional disorders play a role in almost all chronic problems in our body, from joint problems to allergies, from rheumatic diseases to cardiovascular diseases. So how does this happen? Our body is in constant renewal. Instead of old cells that have lost their function, new ones are constantly being created. Did you know that one ninety-tenth of our body weight changes every day without us ever noticing? However, when these “repair” mechanisms cannot find quality food, that is, quality spare parts, they have to be content with what they have, and this renewal is unfortunately of poor quality.
Our immune system, on the other hand, often detects this poor quality and creates an inflammatory reaction against our own cells or proteins. Possible consequences of this are many chronic diseases and sometimes cancer, examples of which I have listed above. These two stress mechanisms, namely lack of oxygenation and nutritional defects, represent the main processes of wear and tear that cause organ aging. Physical traumas such as sun, heat and cold, heavy metals and other chemicals that we take into our bodies in different ways and without realizing it, and psychological stress further strengthen and accelerate these two basic mechanisms. Unfortunately we don’t notice these as early as skin aging and we begin to experience true aging. Correct nutrition is at the top of the actual “anti-aging” programs you need to implement to alleviate these wear and tear and reverse the effects of stress. Your animal food intake should be optimized according to your needs, your mineral, vitamin and fluid intake should be regulated in accordance with the seasonal cycle of your body, as well as your lifestyle should be balanced with sports and activities that increase spirit-mind-body awareness, and your body should be supported with protective / complementary medicine practices.