Psikolojik Danışmanlık We can try many different ways to cope with the difficulties of everyday problems. Thinking of solutions on our own, consulting someone, reading…

In the fight against chronic diseases such as autoimmune and metabolic diseases, living …

Emotion Management Program 6-Week Conscious Awareness-Based Emotion Management Program (Online) Yasemin Yağlıkçı - Psychotherapist Mindfulness; Non-judgmental / conscious awareness is a mind and body practice…

PRP, that is, platelet-rich plasma, is a treatment applied by taking the person’s own blood …

Glutathione Therapy Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant protein, produced by the cell's energy store mitochondria. Malnutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption and exposure to…

What is Bioresonance? In the mid-seventies, Dr.Morell, together with his son-in-law Electronics Engineer Eric Rasche, developed a device that could record, analyze, correct the body's…

The first and most important evidence that we do this job mostly unconsciously is that we do not spend enough time to eat. The time…

High Dose Vitamin C Vitamin C, which increases the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight infections in the body, is one of…

Health is not just about routine test results. Your diet is a whole with the water you drink, the breathing …

We often think of aging and disease as different things. However, diseases are the reactions of our …